Dave Franco: Finally Its the Right Time to Work With My Brother

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Dave Franco says it feels like "finally the time is right" to work with his brother James on a film because he has managed to consolidate his position as a star in his own right.

Dave Franco says it feels like "finally the time is right" to work with his brother James on a film because he has managed to consolidate his position as a star in his own right.

Dave Franco says it's "finally the right time" to work on a movie with his brother James.

The 32-year-old actor had previously refused to play alongside his older siblings because he did not want people to think that he "rode his coat-tails", but after Dave had managed to consolidate his position as a star he happy to take the role in 'The Disaster Artist'.

Dave said, "It was the right timing at the time, and for the first 10 years of my career, I just wanted to do my own thing, make a name for myself, as much as I love and respect it, just wanted it to be separate ,

"And after a while, it feels like, I feel like I'm standing on my own feet, [so] I was like, 'I do not care what people are going to say [or] if they think I'm riding his coattails I know that I have stayed true to myself, we had a great time, we have a very similar feeling and we hope to work together a lot more. "

While James added, "He rejected me a few times, yes, brothers should stick together! ...

"I knew from the beginning, as I read the book that Greg [Sestero] wrote with Tom Bissell, that I wanted to tell this story - that it was an amazing story about dreamer and outsider, but with that surface level that is so bizarre was.

"But I also knew that I wanted to play Tommy and that I wanted Dave to play Greg - so we have the right dynamics, so I asked him and he finally said yes."

Dave's wife Alison Brie is also in the movie and it was James' idea to have her on board.

He told Entertainment Tonight, "Working with your family and friends really makes it easy as an actor because you're comfortable with everyone, so you feel comfortable taking risks that you might not otherwise take ..." Nobody will judge you. I think our best work is with our best friends and our family. "

Little Biography Of Dave Franco
Dave Franco (born June 12, 1985) is an American television and film actor. He began his career with small roles in films such as Superbad and Charlie St. Cloud, before making his breakthrough achievements in the ninth season of the Scrubs series and a supporting role in the buddy comedy 21 Jump Street 2012.

He also had roles in night of terror, now you see me, now you see me 2, warm bodies, neighbors, nerves. He is the youngest brother of Tom Franco and James Franco

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